Keywords: Arthur Lewis, Lewis model, surplus labor, constant wages, subsistence wages, deagriculturalization, migration of agricultural labor, laber transfer and transfer speed, agricultural share of labor (ASL), falling speed of ASL, equilibrium of migration of agricultural labor, agricultural productivity gap, Lewis turning point, rising wages with surplus labor, rising wages with agricultural productivity gap, China, China’s great famine
Hu, Jingbei, 2012, A Study on Intersectoral Migration of Agricultural Labor
and Inflation in the Developing Countries
Keywords: Migration of agricultural labor, agricultural share of labor (ASL), falling speed of ASL, migration rate, migration equilibrium, migration disequilibrium and inflation, migration rate and fluctuation in agriculatural price, agricultural price and CPI, inflations of developing countries, China
Hu, Jingbei, 2009, Intersectoral Migration of Agricultural Labor Force and Business Cycles in Developing Countries
Keywords: Migration of agricultural labor, measures of migration of agricultural labor, agricultural share of labor (ASL), migration rate, falling speed of ASL, migration equilibrium, equilibrium falling speed of ASL, migration fluctuations, macroeconomics of migration