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专题2. 最优拍卖机制与收入等价原理
Myerson,R. B. (1981),Optimal Auction Design,Mathematics of Operations Research,6,58-73。
专题3. 最优拍卖的简单经济学
Bulow,J. I. and Roberts,D. J. (1989),The Simple Economics of Optimal Auctions,Journal of Political Economy,97,1060-90。
专题4. 风险厌恶下的拍卖分析
Matthews,S. A. (1987),Comparing Auctions for Risk-Averse Buyers:A Buyers’s Point of View ,Econometrica,55,633-46。
专题5. 估值相关下的拍卖理论
Milgrom,P. R. and Werber,R. J. (1982),A Theory of Auctions and Competitive Bidding,Econometrica,50,1089-1122。
Bikhchandani,S. (1988),Reputation in Repeated Second-Price Auctions,Journal of Economic Theory,46,97-119。
Maskin,E. S. and Riley,J. G (1996),Asymmetric Auctions,Review of Economics Studies。
专题8. 报价人数内生决定下的拍卖问题
Levin,D. and Smith,J. L. (1994), Equilibrium in Auctions with Entry,American Economic Review,84,585-99。
Engelbrech-Wiggans,R. (1993),Optimal Auctions Revisited,Games and Economic Behavior,5,227-39。
Milgrom,P. R. (1981),Rational Expectations,Information Acquisition and Competitive Bidding,Econometrica,49,921-43。
Maskin,E. S. and Riley,J. G. (1989),Optimal Multi-Unit Auctions,In Frank Hahn(ed.),The Economics of Missing market,Information,and Games,312-335,Oxford, UK:Oxford University Press/Clarendon Press。
Chatterjee,K. and Samuelson,W. (1983),Bargaining under Incomplete Information,Operations Research,31,835-51。
专题12. 拍卖理论的经验检验
Laffont,J-J. (1997),Game Theory and Empirical Economics:The Case of Auction Data,European Economic Review,41